Treating plantar fasciitis: A case study
Plantar fasciitis Treating plantar fasciitis can be challenging. It is thought that a ligament in the foot causes pain with weight bearing. Classically walking is painful. Scanning the ligament may […]
Plantar fasciitis Treating plantar fasciitis can be challenging. It is thought that a ligament in the foot causes pain with weight bearing. Classically walking is painful. Scanning the ligament may […]
Does stress lead to pain sensitivity? Well the obvious answer to this question of stress and pain sensitivity would be yes. How often do you hear someone describing feeling stressed […]
What is shoulder impingement? Shoulder impingement is really a generic term. Used to describe pain through an arc of movement when lifting your arm. There are lots of theories on […]
What is plantar fasciitis? The plantar fascia is the strong connective tissue that supports the arches of our feet. The fascia acts like ligament which helps in the transfer of […]
Chronic Knee Pain Often senior patients who have had chronic knee pain (greater than 1 year) have come to a point where they want something done about their symptoms. It […]
The Circle of Persistent Back Pain It is not uncommon for sufferers of persistent back pain to be trapped in a negative circle of fear. Often it is a variety […]